Millicent D. Griffin

Youth Mental Health Counselor

Millicent D. Griffin

Youth Mental Health Counselor

What’s your best advice for your younger self?

I would tell my younger self that every decision, action and thought rather intentional or done accidentally, is all apart of the journey to your purpose. Guard your heart and be sure to hold on to every experience. When you make it to your purpose you’ll understand that it was all worth it and you will appreciate the journey all the more!

About Millicent D. Griffin

My name is Millicent D. Griffin, I am an native of Harvey, IL, located in the
Chicagoland Area. I am the mother of a beautiful, intelligent, and brilliant young lady whom I love dearly. During the fall of 2003, I attended Illinois State University and earned a Bachelor of Science, in Consumer Science with a concentration in Apparel, Merchandise, and Design. After graduating from Illinois State University, I formed an interest in education. In August 2009, I started classes at the University of
Phoenix. In April 2013, I earned my Master’s in Elementary Education. Later, after teaching for four years, I had the desire to become a School Counselor. In January 2017, I began class at Concordia University. After attending there for two years, I graduated with my Masters in School Counseling. I served as a School Counselor with Chicago Public Schools for two years. Millicent believes all children can learn when loved from a genuine and sincere place. Even though I greatly enjoy helping and assisting our young girls. I have a love for fashion, ministry, and music. In March of 2023, I became an author with the publishing of my first book, “Becoming S.H.E. Secured.Healed.Evolved” . I am currently apart of the professional recording choir, The Tommies Reunion Choir under the leadership of Grammy Awarding winning Dr. Darius Brooks. In June 2022, I became a lead singer and recorded her first song with The Tommies Reunion Choir. I am also apart of the Stellar Award Winning choir, New Direction Alumni. I am the CEO of Savvy24 Boutique and the internet radio personality of, “The Real with Mill”. I use both of those outlets to express God’s love, freedom of expression, and spirituality. During the summer of 2023, I recorded with Shekinah Glory Ministries which is connected to Valley Kingdom
Ministries International which I am a member. I desire to help the every woman and girl that I encounter to be a reminder to them that, “All Things Are Possible”!